Q: How much PLj would be the equivalent of 1 lemon?
A:The best estimate we can give for this (bearing in mind lemons can vary quite a lot in size and juice content – due to different varieties, growing locations and seasonal changes) is approximately 45-50ml of PLJ would equate to the juice of 1 lemon.
Q: Has your lemon content changed?
A: Due to a technicality Trading Standards insisted we change the label information. We have NOT reduced the quantity of Lemon Juice.
Q: Is PLj pasteurised?
A: The Lemon Juice Concentrate is the main ingredient (diluted with water to single strength) in PLJ Lemon Juice Drink and it is pasteurised at 90° C for approx. 60 seconds.
Q: How much sulphites are in each serving?
A: There are approx. 6.5 mg of sulphites per 25ml serving – this can and does vary due to the lemon juice being a natural raw material so this is an estimated figure.
Q: Why has the liquid got darker?
A: The browning is a natural function as this product reaches its expiry date. The product is still safe to use but is approaching the stage where it is no longer at its best due to the length of time it has been in the bottle.
Q: Why did I struggle to open this bottle?
A: Unfortunately due to glass bottles varying slightly in neck size (there is nothing we can do about this currently) the capping machine occasionally won’t fully engage the bottle thread and so the cap then cannot easily be opened. Please be assured that both the production staff and our Technical Department carry-out regular checks to ensure – as much as is practically possible – that the caps are applied correctly.
Q: Can I recycle the bottle with the pourer in?
A: When received at the recycling centre, we understand that the plastic inserts must be removed from the bottle for optimum recyclability. After considering the options for this, we have decided to remove the pourer from our bottles, to reduce the amount of plastic we produce as a company, and allow easier recycling for our customers. Therefore, you will notice in the coming months that PLj Lemon & Lime will be starting to filter into circulation without the pourer.